Advanced Pain Discovery Platform Annual Conference 2025

Tuesday 3rd June 2025

ICC Wales, Newport

The APDP Annual Conference 2025 will be held on Tuesday 3rd June 2025, at the ICC Wales, in Newport. It is being held in conjunction with the British Pain Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting ( All APDP members who contribute to pain research in the UK are invited to attend. Registration for the APDP Annual Conference is free of charge, but spaces are limited.  

This will be a Scientific Conference, aiming to share new scientific knowledge and ideas on pain mechanisms. Presentations will position research within the context of the real world and the needs of people with lived experience of pain. It will enable us to share knowledge and bring together diverse perspectives across the broad range of disciplines and stakeholder groups in APDP.  

This academic conference will showcase the spectrum of key outputs from APDP community members through: 

  • short oral presentations 
  • poster presentations 

Attendees will be contributing to the diverse research into pain mechanisms that characterises APDP. Presenters are briefed to ensure that all attendees can benefit from their presentations, while not shying away from technical detail and current controversies. The conference will firmly place mechanistic research within the context of lived experience of pain.  

The conference is open to all APDP members. It is FREE to attend, but pre-registration is required. Preference will be given to delegates who are presenting their work through posters or invited oral presentations. A limited number of travel bursaries are available for early career researchers and people with lived experience of pain who are actively involved in APDP research. Please register now as places are limited! 

The APDP Annual Conference is a benefit that is open only to members of the APDP community. To become an APDP community member, follow the link HERE . British Pain Society membership is not required for APDP Annual Conference attendance. 


APDP members can register for this conference here. The deadline for completing this form is 9th May 2025 BUT places are limited. Book now to avoid disappointment. 

Poster presentation 

This conference is a key networking event linking UK pain research infrastructure and expertise, with poster presentations a major focus for interaction. Posters may be on any topic relevant to APDP and pain research. Posters that are also being presented at the linked British Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting are welcome (`encore presentations’). (Please note that separate registration and abstract submission are needed for the two conferences.) 

To present a poster, please submit a poster abstract here. The deadline for completing this form is 28th February 2025


A limited number of centrally allocated bursaries is available to help APDP members to attend the conference.  Due to limited resources, these bursaries are available only to early career researchers, including PhD students and post-doctoral researchers, and Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) APDP members. To apply for a bursary, please complete and return an application form by 9am on 3rd March 2025

If you have any questions, please contact the APDP administration at