The APDP Annual Conference 2024 was successfully held on Friday, 7th June 2024 in the East Midland Conference Centre, University of Nottingham.
The annual meeting incorporated a PPI/E agenda, with content selected by experts in public involvement and engagement together with diverse people with lived experience of pain. Academic and PPI/E agendas converged and mirrored each other, while separate components of the programme also recognised the needs both for detailed technical discussion, and for presentations that were accessible to a diverse audience.
The academic programme included Elevator Pitches (short presentations of key outputs from APDP community members) linked to poster presentations, a Plenary lecture, and workshops with the key themes:
- Co-morbidity
- Pain in Childhood
- Diversity amongst people with pain
- Cohorts
- Technological solutions to pain
The conference materials including the conference report, abstracts brochure and the conference programme are now available to all APDP members at the apdp.sixcircles. If you have any questions, please contact the APDP administration at ms-apdp@nottingham.ac.uk